I have spent over 10 years trying to heal and get to the root cause of the issues I have surrounding my relationship with food. Therapy, what feels like every diet and food plan under the sun, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Yoga, Massage, Meditation, Affirmations, Energy work and so many other forms of Alternative Medicine. All of which have helped my issues and their symptoms, absolutely- but for me personally, they never truly got to the ROOT of my issues- which would always resurface.
Enter Carli. For the FIRST time in my entire life, during and after my session with her, I was able to peel back layers I didn’t even know existed inside of myself, to not only address the root cause(s) of my issues with food, but HEAL them. I can honestly say with confidence, as someone who has dedicated her life to self care, self, love and optimal health, that what Carli has to offer this world is “the real deal”. This is what you have been looking for my friend. Trust me. If you are struggling and think that you can do the work all on your own, I lovingly want to tell you that you may be mistaken. Carli provides a safe, nourishing and unique space to dive deep into your subconscious to address, rewire, reprogram and HEAL all that has been keeping you from living your best life. The life you were meant to be living. The BRILLIANT life you deserve to be living. Allow Carli to clear the way. She is the best gift I could have ever given myself and I am grateful every single day for her and the work we have done together.
When I was offered an opportunity to work with Carli and her RTT Therapy, I had decided to stop smoking again, after many failed attempts over the years. I was willing to try something new to me. I am not usually that brave or open about my smoking. Carli has a genuine and caring nature which makes all the difference in any therapy experience. She spent time talking me through my concerns and explaining how RTT works. It was one of the most relaxing treatments I have ever had and at no time did I ever feel out of control and was always wonderfully reassured by Carli’s voice. Time passed without me even being aware of it and when the session ended I was so relaxed I could happily have curled up with a blanket. The most interesting part of the therapy is the benefits that last afterwards. Listening to my personal recording every day for 21 days and the personal check-in’s with Carli were so helpful. She told me during my session I would be dreaming more the next few weeks, I never dream a lot! She was right, the most calming, interesting and restful dreams. I am not smoking anymore. I am more relaxed, I have more confidence than I ever have had that I will continue to be a non smoker. Thank you Carli!
I had a hypnotherapy session with Carli to help me move past my business blocks. I had a great idea and a great way to execute it - but I felt this ‘blockage’ that wouldn’t let me progress with it and I didn’t know why.
I was surprised how effective the session was! Carli took me back to the cause of my issue and it surprised me how clearly it all came about. Carli really listened to what I needed and delivered the outcome I wanted.
She also gave me a personalized recording that I listened to everyday to really nail in the changes.
I would definitely recommend Carli to all my family and friends (and to anyone wanting to figure out what’s holding them back!) without hesitation.
Thank you so much for helping me, I feel so much lighter (and enlightened!) after our session together.
Your Brilliant Mind is incredible. It’s a welcoming and safe environment and Carli makes you feel so comfortable. My own journey has been to find out what’s been holding me back; Carli brought me to a level in my mind I didn’t think I could get back to. We found the root cause of my anxiety and she led me to a place of comfort and peace. Since my treatment, I feel lighter, sleep better and have been able to move forward with my goals. I would absolutely recommend! After my 21 days are over, I’ll forever have a personal meditation that is made specifically for me to listen to as needed. Thank you, Carli!
I’ve had general anxiety for what I can remember starting as a young child. I did the medication route for a number of years. When my husband and myself decided we wanted to have children I decided that I wanted off the medication. I did well for a few months but this past summer I realized I wasn’t doing well and considered the medication again. Feeling overwhelmed and like I was making a selfish decision I started to look for an alternative solution, lucky me I found Carli and her practice of RTT. Now my treatments aren’t over, I still have work of my own to do but since I have started with RTT I found a sense of understanding why I have anxiety, which was therapeutic and extremely comforting. To better understand myself and “the” anxiety. It helped to put everything in perspective. I’m very excited for my next chapter with Carli and RTT.