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What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy is an award-winning hybrid therapy developed by Marisa Peer in London, England. RTT combines the best of hypnotherapy with unique therapeutic methods for lasting permanent change. It enables people to achieve extraordinary results in business and sports, heal personal relationships, increase motivation, sharpen focus, and improve overall well-being. Accessing the subconscious mind to discover the root cause of the issue instantaneously empowers the client. Understanding is power and understanding under hypnosis is the most liberating and freeing power. Willpower and logic are often not enough to eliminate stubborn or persistent issues. RTT helps you change your thoughts and perceptions at the subconscious level. A session will reveal deep rooted survival techniques and outdated beliefs. The transformation applies various techniques while under hypnosis and concludes with a customized recording which contains repetitive positive reprogramming to eliminate the issue permanently. RTT has incredible success with issues such as infertility, insomnia, pain, addictions, fears, phobias, weight loss, bad habits, eating disorders, confidence, anxiety, and depression. Book an appointment here or for more information schedule a free consultation to discuss how RTT can help you!


what is spiritual therapy?

Spiritual Therapy with Carli utilizes various holistic approaches for healing. Sessions include a combination of the following; Yoga Philosophy, Guidance for Spiritual Awakening, Energy Healing, Awareness and Intention Training, Self Realization work, Meditation, and Assistance through Spiritual Trauma. All of these approaches are used to empower and create freedom for the client. Book an appointment here or schedule a free consultation for more information.